Friday, August 20, 2010

Here's the skinny...

I hate skinny jeans. Whether it's just the fact that they are called "skinny" jeans, or the actual look of them, I'm not sure, but I despise them. If you're reading this right now wearing your skinny jeans, it's not you I hate. I won't even mock you if I see you wearing them. You probably look cute in them. I think it's the fact that I know I would NEVER pull them off. Maybe I'm slightly jealous that I know it would be a completely humiliating process to try and pull these things up over my rear. I can see it now....IF (and I mean IF) I could possibly squeeze one pant leg up over my calf, I would still have the second one to conquear. If I could in fact pull that off, I can just picture myself desperately flailing on the floor as I try and wriggle them up the rest of me. And forget trying to button and zip the darn things. Not a pretty picture. I take a deep breath and calmly assure myself that they probably don't even make them in my size so there is no need to try and conform. Only, I know this isn't true. I've seen one too many girls wearing these concoctions who, eh-hem, should not.

So I'll suck it up (or in...) and not wear the latest fashions. And be thankful every day of my life that these things weren't popular when I was younger...


Rheanna said...

AMEN! I Hate skinny jeans too, but I guess I've never thought to be grateful that they weren't "in" when I was in high school :o) So true though!

Megan B ♥ said...

My fat pants look like skinny jeans these days. And my legs look like german sausages in them. I'm so hot. So VERY hot.

Mom/Kim/Jewel said...

No jeggings for me either. I am way too cool(I mean fat)for them! You are soo funny, love the way you tell a story! Write a book!

Cory, Jeri, Brock and Parker T. said...

Amen my friend! I could not agree more.

The Edwards Family said...

Guess what I have NEVER and I repeat NEVER seen anyone who looks good in skinny jeans! It is far and away the worst fashion trend EVER. They make everyone look like they have HUGE rear ends and teeny legs, it looks completely disproportionate. I HATE THEM, I am so glad I am not the only one.

Sharlee said...

I will agree with this as well!

tamster17 said...

Right there with ya girl! They just look so uncomfortable to even have near your body at all. I love a good pair of jeans -- but skinny jeans need to hit the road! And there are a very select few that are able to even pull them off.

I love how you tell a story too -- you make me laugh! :-)

Steph said...

Ok so my computer was down for a little while and I am just getting around to reading your last few posts! You are so good at blogging.
Skinny Jeans are hilarious. The funny thing about them since I am older then you, You wont remember this but when I was in Jr High school I would peg my 501's and make them into Skinny Jeans. Looking back they did not look good then either