I'm so amazed at what you can learn on the internet. Seriously...there is so much out there. One day I might do a post about all of the websites I like to visit that share all of this information. It's like there is this whole world of people out there that are kind enough to take time and post tutorials on how to do things. For some reason it really just amazes me.
So without further ado...here is Myah's birthday cake for her Minnie Mouse themed birthday party!
You are AMAZING!! It's a good thing you are my sister so I can soak up all your awesomeness! :)
Janelle your cake looks amazing! you so good!!!
wow! that is so beautiful. i cant believe you do it all on your own and with only the internet for help. and the fact you made your own fondant?! amazing! you should be proud!
I'm so impressed! I just let my mom make all the cakes ;o) This one looks great!
janelle-that is awesome, seriously amazing! how in the heck is it fair that ONE person is so dang talanted?! you are good at everything you do---thanks for doing the pics yesterday---we have some very *interesting* characters in my fam eh? hahaha.
You should definitely post your sources. I want to start learning cake decorating techniques.
The cake seriously looks awesome! I've always wanted to try to do fondant & haven't been brave enough. But I'm going to attempt it after Christmas on Kayla's cake -- wish me luck!
Great job! It's beautiful.
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