It's almost halfway through October and I figured I should blog since I haven't all month. I go to my pictures file on my computer and lo and behold there is not one single picture to blog about from October. Slight lie because there are some other people's family pictures I could blog about, but apparently I haven't been so great about taking pictures of my own family. I feel like I have been running around all month and it's not going to let up. I'm super awesome at over scheduling! Does anyone have any great tips on how to fit it all in??? It's been quite the rough month...
So....coming up this month we have our annual family trip planned to the Piute Trail. I am very much looking forward to that and the large amount of time Keith will have off! It's always a blast and I really look forward to spending time with Dad, Amy and fam. Not to baby this year! I think Gav and Max will be so much fun at these ages and really just looking forward to playing with them and being out in nature. I'm not ready for winter.
Also...looking forward to Max's 2nd birthday! He L.O.V.E.S the movie Cars so I'm planning an extravagant cake. Let's see if it turns out in reality how I'm pretending it will in my head! Can't believe that my baby is going to be 2! And I get the comment about everyday..."Time for another!" Thanks for your input...I'll decide when I'm ready :) (I'm sorry I always sound so bratty about having babies, but seriously...aren't Keith and I the parents, and not you? I hate feeling judged about how I choose to raise my family....)
Pictures, pictures and more pictures. I think we'll have to reevaluate how I handle this next year. I love it, but refer to the part about how I'm AWESOME at over scheduling. Not to mention that it seems like when I have 4 photoshoots, chicken and apple pie filling to can (not together btw!), visiting teaching, and regular duties to take care of, I get a call to, oh, I don't know, speak in church or something...
And Halloween is coming! If you have read my blogs about Halloween in years past you will remember that I am kind of a hater. Truthfully, A) It's a waste of money, so us po-folk ain't thrilled about it and B) I think it's a made up holiday just so people can dress trashy (Have you seen the Halloween costumes for women???) C) My house is too small and it's hard to accommodate people for parties and/or to do much decorating. Whine...whine...whine...I know. I've got a problem with that! Anyway...I'm being less of a Halloween Scrooge and have done a bit of decorating (I'll have to do a little bit each year, refer to the "po-folk" comment...) and I'm trying to be excited about it! The boys are BOTH going to be Spiderman. Gav was so sure that Max would want to be the same thing as him, but I said Max got to decide. Wouldn't you know we go walking down the costume aisle and all I hear from Max is "Spiderman! Spiderman! Spiderman!" Boys. So, we somehow convinced Kenna and Pais to be Spidergirls :) I can't WAIT to see them all together! I even thought I would get all into the Halloween spirit and be Spiderwoman but seriously, $40 bucks for a costume I'm going to wear for 2 hours? Nah.
So since I can't post without a picture, here is a cute one of some of my family...(and Dad, I promise you will have these finished soon! Thanks for being so patient!)