Thursday, November 12, 2009

Catching up...

I'm just going to do this all in one post so here goes!

The Monday after Halloween we had a Halloween party with Keith's family. A little late but lots of the family had been sick and Max was born so it just got pushed a little further back than normal :) I must say it was a crazy night...there are now 19 grandkids, soon to be 20 (2 weeks from today in fact, huh Mandy???) and it was just LOUD. We had a fun dinner and then did some crafts, made a treat, played some games and read a Halloween story. I think Gavin had a good time. He likes to be with all of his cousins.

We've had lots of visitors. One fun night my BFF and her family came over. Gavin had a great time playing with her kids, and they were so fun to watch with Baby Max! We love you guys!

I don't know why I haven't ever posted this, but Gavin LOVES to help me make bread. We usually do this about once a week and he is my big helper. Mostly he just likes to eat the dough and I give him a little to play with and he rolls it out with a little rolling pin. It's pretty he is hard at work! And a picture of Max doing what he does best....
Gavin also loves to line things up and have me take his picture with them. He has tons of cars from "Cars" and his biggest obsession for the last little while is Pez. He has 17 in all (one of them was missing at the time of this picture). I like that he thinks they are fun, I hate buying the candy and refilling them :) And really, Pez is kind of a gross candy!!! Oh well, I guess then I will stay out of it! Thank you to all who have given him Pez dispensers! He is one happy camper! He is also very proud of his back-pack he got from Gramma Kim. He says, "Mom! I have a bacpack, now I can go to school!" I hope he's always that excited about it!

Gavin has adjusted very well to having Max here. He always refers to him as "Brother" or "Honey". If you ask him what his Brother's name is he will typically respond "Maxibillion". I guess I should have just given in to Keith being funny and named him that since we all call him that! I'm so excited for my two boys to have fun and play together. Gav likes to bring him toys and put them in his blanket for Max. The other night I was doing dishes and Max was laying on the floor and crying. I asked Gavin to try giving him his binky (he is NOT a binky kid so this isn't an easy task for a 2 year old) and Max just kept on crying. Gavin finally said, "Brother....shhhhh, last chance!!!". Apparently Gavin has heard "last chance" a few times! I didn't realize I said it that much!
I always worry because people say that you don't take as many pictures of your other children as you do your first. I've found out so far that seems to be true! I feel bad everytime I take a picture of Max because I don't want Gavin to think it's all about the baby, so I end up taking a picture of Gavin too! Also, and this is slightly vain of me...okay, really vain of me, but Max has this yucky baby rash all over his face and it makes me sad to take pictures of him like that! So...that being said, I am posting a picture of Max from today to prove that I am going to get over this. It's not that I don't think he's cute, I'm just afraid other people won't! DUH...I need help! I vow to take more pictures of my children and not edit out all of their scratches and rashes with Photoshop. There, I said it...out loud...or at least in print! I absolutely LOVE having two kids! It is 100 hundred times better than I ever expected and I am still so happy to be a mother.


The Martin's said...

Gav does have a lot of pez dispensers...I think he may need a few more from the Martin family ;) Thanks for letting us come over and hold baby Max! Jax and Ella still talk about how cute he is. They had fun playin with Gav too!

P.S. I still love Max with his rash could anyone not???

The Mighty Murray's said...

What a sweet little family! You look awesome, they look awesome.

Me said...

Awwww, you are such a good mommy! Gavin and Max are so, so, so LUCKY to have you for their mama!

tamster17 said...

So fun! I like seeing all the pics and your boys are too cute! The Pez collection is hilarious! I have a couple I could give him to add to it just so I don't have to deal with them anymore! :-)