Sunday, March 21, 2010

My boys...

Today at church Gavin leaned over to Max and said, "I like you, Max!" If you think that was cute, what came next was even cuter. He said, "How'd you get so cute, Max? Was it from your mom?" I about died laughing! I think Gavin might have heard that a few times, but considering he looks just like his dad, he must have gotten his cuteness from him!

Later today, Gavin said to Max while I was changing his diaper, "Brother, you need to get bigger and go on the potty. Don't go in your diaper...yuck!" Good job, Gavin....train him early!

Most of the time we hear a lot of "Goodnight, Brother," and "I love you, Brother." Every once in awhile Gavin (while being grumpy) will lean over Max and say, "I'm NOT HAPPY, Max!" It's really kind of funny and I'm not sure why he feels the need to let Max know this, but he has done it way more than once! I have to admit that after a particularly rough night of getting up with Max while he was sick, on about the 5th time I leaned over him while changing his diaper and said, "I'm not happy, Max!" He just smiled and wiggled like he was the funniest kid ever. You can't ever be upset with him, he is way too cute and smiley! It's hard to believe that he will be 5 months old this week. I have absolutely no idea where the time has gone. I remember feeling so excited for all of the new things Gavin was learning, but I feel a little less excited about Max doing them because I know how fast he is growing up. This time I know what will happen and that my baby isn't going to be around forever. He is already growing into a sweet little boy with a personality. I already find myself longing for those days when he was tiny and snuggly. I may have even forgotten how he was so colicy for 3 months...maybe. He is such a joy, as is Gavin. I feel so incredibly blessed to be their mother. Definitely not worthy of this responsibility, but I will do all I can to raise them to be wonderful men. At least I have the added bonus of them learning from their father. He is a great example to them, and I am lucky to have him as one of my "boys".

*Brittani, just because I know you're going to say something...yes, I am posting for the first time without a picture. I am on my new laptop and there are no pictures on it and I sent Gav to get the camera cord and he never came back! Which means I need to go check on him!!!!


bpetersen said...

Haha... I kept scrolling down looking for a cute picture but alas... I find a special message just for me. :) At least I felt special. :) I love your sweet boys and I wish I was better about writing down the cute stuff Kenna says and does. :) Maybe you will inspire me to do so.

Kiss your little boys for me! Love ya.

Mom/Kim/Jewel said...

So at last... a new laptop!! Was that the result of the trip to Costco??? Loved the new Blog. The boys are so adorable and amazing. I am so lucky to have 5 beautiful grandchildren!!!!!!!!!!