Thursday, November 17, 2011

Field Trip

Before we went to the Paiute Trail this year, Gavin had his first field trip of the year. It was at Wheeler Farm and I was excited to go because I thought that we would learn a little bit about Wheeler Farm. I've been there many times and know nothing about it. Well, I was very disappointed because we didn't learn a thing. It was just like any other time we've been other than we got to walk around with more people. I think Gavin had fun running around with the other kids at least and I got brave and let him feed the ducks. (If you didn't know I LOATHE birds of all kinds. Ok, basically, they scare the crap out of me.) I did, however, enjoy spending time with Gavin. Sometimes it's fun to just get time with him. I get 2 days a week with just Max while Gavin is at school, so it's nice to feel like Gavin is getting a little extra attention. We also drove with my sweet friend Becky and her daughter. Becky and I have been good friends since before we had kids and now it's nice to enjoy this phase with her.

He thought finding all these feathers was awesome!

I just love his expression :)

Less than thrilled about the wait for the hayride.

I thought this looked like he was kissing the pig :) 

Oh he is handsome.....

Becky's daughter...she is so hilarious and LOVED to make up poses!


She was hilarious...I have a million with her changing her poses

Becky and Kati


sam c.hart jr said...

Looks like a pretty day. I loved field trips with the kids. My favorite was the pumpkin patch.

Megan B ♥ said...

We missed Wheeler farm this year, no matter how many times I put it on the calendar! Spring... spring... We have only been once before and it was YEARS ago.

Mom/Kim/Jewel said...

Great pictures! Becky and Kati are darling! I bet Google could tell you a bit about Wheeler Farm, just a thought!! LOL