Monday, December 12, 2011

First edtion of "Maxisms"

Me: (Singing)
Max:  Mom?
Me: Yes?
Max: Shhhhhhhhh!

Me: Max?  What are you doing?
Max in a sneaky little tone: Nuping! (Nothing)

Me: Max, say "M"
Max, yelling: A! X!

And I know lots of kids say this, but it's pretty cute when he says: "Mom, I hold you!" when he wants to be held.

Love him.


Kristen said...

I love the "I hold you" phrase. Since adults usually say, "Do you want ME to hold YOU?", my niece would say, "Hold you me!!!" Too cute!!!

sam c.hart jr said...

So Cute!!! I love those little phrases toddlers use before they figure out how to talk like a grownup.

Sandy -- As Told By Mommy said...

MATER??? WHERE IS THAT????? Linc would die!!

Mom/Kim/Jewel said...

Yippeeeeee! Maxims! This is gonna be fun. :) I love him!