I had a Dr's appointment today and I was fully expecting him to schedule me. I had an ultrasound first to check the size and of course my little peanut is already measuring 7lbs 6oz....4 weeks out. Was I surprised?...not really, and that's smaller than Gavin was measuring at this point, but still. I held a brand new baby on Tuesday who was a week early and weighed 7lbs 15oz and there is already something practically that size STILL INSIDE OF ME! It's not like I'm begging them to take me a month early, or that I think I'll ever in my lifetime have a 7 lb baby...but come on!!!! My Dr. acted like it was no big deal and he'd see me again in 2 weeks (which technically I should be on 1 week appointments and because he's out of the office I'm being schedule practically 3 weeks away...precisely the week I have been planning on having a baby!!!!)
I know I probably sound sooooooo whiney, and duh, usually people just wait for babies to come on their own, but I don't go into labor on my own. I have never experienced a contration other than when I have had pitocin, not even Braxton Hicks contractions. And honestly...I have a right to whine when my 12 lb baby wasn't even attempting to come on his own. I WILL NOT HAVE ANOTHER 12 lb baby and I just want SOMEONE in the medical industry to listen to me!!! I never complained with my last Dr even though I knew I was a beached whale, because, well, he was the Dr., what did I know? This time around...I refuse to experience that moment when they put my precious little baby on the scale and everyone is shocked when they hear his weight and my Dr. looks at me and says, "I'm sorry." I don't want my first thoughts about my son to be, "Oh look this is my baby....he's huge!" I don't want everyone to remember me by the girl who had the big baby. Or people's neighbors that I meet for the first time to say, "Oh you're the one who had the big baby." I don't want people to start asking me if I'm having twins. I don't want people to tell me I look like I am about ready to pop. And I swear if one person asks me if I had gestational diabetes I might smack them....hard. And MOST of all, I don't want people to tell me that he looks 3 months old or that he looks like a linebacker. (So all of you reading this have been warned....)
Alright...I had to put it all out there. I loved my big baby, and that he was mine, and it was cool for like 2 seconds to always win the "I had the biggest baby contest", but not this time. I just want to feel normal and not like some freak of nature. And I am soooooooo ready to not sit in front of my computer and type some big old pointless rant that no one cares to read just because I am an emtional basket case.
One cool thing...Baby Max already has hair :) They could tell in the ultrasound and I sure hope he has cute curls like Gavin!
And to leave this on another positive note...here is a picture of my PERFECT baby Gavin, who was NOT a linebacker....
Simple Printable Valentines Day Table Decor
21 hours ago
You have every right to rant and rave! There is something about having an XL baby that makes you super cautious and you feel like no one else takes you seriously or does anything to try to calm your fears and concerns. Hopefully you'll go into your next appointment and they'll say...let's do this tomorrow!!!
I think the Doctors get a little jaded. Your Doctor probably thinks that you don't know what you're talking about. But us moms KNOW!! Maybe you should have him read your blog??? LOL!
He WAS and STILL IS perfect!! I do not blame you for not wanting to have a big baby! Hearing that your newborn looks 3 months old, gets old...FAST!!! Baby Max will be perfect just like Gavy!
You crack me up! I can't wait to meet baby Max! I hope his hair is the same color as Gav's too. If by some crazy chance you do go into labor by yourself in the middle of the night, just remember, I live right next door. I can have Gav for a little sleep over the the boys. We would love it.
You, my dear, have EVERY right to rant! Seriously. Dr.'s should not play with a Mama's emotions like that. Just rude! I think it's time we try my pizza bender trick for you. Seriously, can I take you to lunch one day next week, just for the fun of it. Maybe we could make a party of it. Janet could come and try her luck to. Jeri, Tammy, anyone who wants to come. It would be fun. Let's do it. We'll put both you and Janet into labor together. I'm sad I'm not your VT anymore (not that I was very good at it. Remind me to tell you what a stinky neighbor said to me about how big I got! I still can't stand to talk to her because of it! I'll email you with lunch details!
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